Top 3 Movies – May 2015

May has been a mixed bag of movies, some good, some bad, but one was exceptional. Before I state my Top 3 recommendations, I need to explain the way I rate movies. Why I’m explaining this will make sense in a bit.

So I use the popular method of giving a rating out of 10. If you have been following me for a while then you may have noticed I have never given a 10/10 to a movie on my blog. This is because I believe this rating should be given out sparingly to retain its value (same for 1/10). So when I absolutely love a movie and think it’s almost perfect, then I give a 9/10. The step a movie needs to take for me to give it a 10/10 is that it should have cross-generational appeal. It should be able to stand the test of time. Doesn’t mean it’s flawless but that even after watching the movie again 10 years later, I’m still left with the same powerful emotional reaction (whether happy or sad) as when I watched it the first time. Of course, this is bit of a guess work because as incredible as I am (so humble I know) I cannot predict the future. That being said, like any of my reviews you also don’t have to agree with my rating method. It’s just my personal opinion I’m clarifying, so that you have the context to understand my reasoning to change the rating for one of the Top 3 Movie recommendations of May.

The movie I changed my rating for is Mad Max Fury Road. I first watched it in IMAX which helped boosting the high-adrenaline experience of the movie. Then I watched the movie a second time on the smallest cinema screen where I live and still I was trying to catch my breath from all the heart pumping action. Afterwards I felt compelled to change the rating to 10/10. I genuinely believe Mad Max Fury Road will be an action classic years from now. The two other movies I recommend are comedies: Pitch Perfect 2 and Get Hard. Comedy tends to be the most divisive genre and I agree these two have some noticeable problems. Nevertheless I think they do offer some entertainment value, at the very least more than any of the other releases this month. For full review of the Top 3 movies and more, feel free to browse the homepage.

 Mad Max

  • High intensity, heart pumping action
  • Beautiful, rich culture and world building
  • Well-developed characters
  • Performances by Charlize Theron, Nicholas Hoult, Tom Hardy
  • Realism through practical stunts
  • Not recommended if you have cardiovascular or respiratory problems

  Pitch Perfect 2

  • Colourful characters
  • Keegan Michael Key
  • A capella performances
  • Consistent humour
  • Story structure too similar to original
  • A dragged out middle

  Get Hard

  • Great comedic chemistry between Will Ferrell and Hart
  • Plenty of improvisation scenes
  • Some laugh out loud moments
  • Some improvisations too long and lose effect


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